20 April 2010

Easter 2010

Easter this year was a lot of fun, and very busy. We went to our Sunday School play group egg hunt earlier in the week, then we headed down to Andalusia to celebrate. In the midst of spending time with family and friends, I still had to finish Sam's outfit for church. Thanks to my incredibly talented Mom, he had something to wear. At lunch on Saturday we were well-fed at the annual Jones Singng (Sol, Fa, La). I was filled with emotion listening to the beautiful ensemble of the accapella harmonies coming from the ensemble of voices filling the tiny old church. Memories from my childhood flooded my mind. Later that afternoon we had a strategic egg hunt at Uncle Hunt and Aunt Ginny's house to reveal to Kathryn (Ginny's sister who was turning 16) her new car! Sunday morning we had another memorable sunrise service by the pond. This year CT Eldridge did the sermon, and I thought he did a great job. He will do well in seminary. After that we dyed eggs and headed to Mom and Dad's church, followed by a few pictures. Then it was time to head to Uncle Wayne and Aunt Barbara's pasture. I came closer this year to finding a prize egg, but I didn't have a proper "digging stick" so I forfeited to some younger boys who were willing to get their hands dirty (no cow patties though). As busy and fun as the weekend was, the most important thing is that we can rejoice in our risen Savior!! Thank you, Father, for sending your Son to take our place.

Even "Bo Jackson" likes to find Easter eggs (W with his friend, Thompson)
Sam and Anne Wesley
Winston helping Granddaddy cut the grass
Finding eggs at Uncle Hunt and Aunt Ginny's
Kat helping Sam
Family pic
My boys
Sam has had enough pictures...ready to eat

Uncle Terry and Madyson, MawMaw and Sam
Poor William didn't feel good :(

1 comment:

Whitney said...

Sounds like y'all had a busy Easter weekend! I feel like I need a nap just from reading about it! Love all of the pics and hope to see y'all soon!