We got what we went for!! :)
Oh, how good it feels to be on top! What a season. What a way to climb to the top and come out the winner! We flew out to Arizona on Sunday (January 9)morning...thankfully we got out since there was a bad ice/snow storm coming through. We landed in AZ that afternoon, and drove to our hotel in Scottsdale, with intentions of attending the "Tiger Talk" program, but it was way too packed to even get in so we met up with some friends in the Historic District of Scottsdale. We later met up with Hayley, her co-workers, Hunter, and Ginny for dinner. We called it a night since it was the Eve or our big day! Monday we were up and at 'em, and made it to Phoenix aroung lunch. It was as if it was an Auburn home game with all the orange and blue sprinkled with green and yellow. We strolled around, ate lunch, met up with different people, and then made our way to the stadium. Side note, my favorite moment of the weekend happened as Joseph and I were walking to the stadium. A handicapped, older Oregon man in a wheelchair couldn't make it over the curb, and without hesitating 4 Auburn guys picked him up over, not only that curb, but the final one he would need to get over! Wow! I had tears in my eyes, and was sad I didn't get my camera out in time. Anyway, Joseph and I were just giddy heading into the stadium. As for the game...what can I say? It was awesome! Joseph and I talked about how that was it...the top sporting moment of our life. Even when Auburn goes back to the National Championship, this was still an awesome moment with it being the first one in 53 years. The whole trip was just awesome! I loved spending that time, and making those memories with Joseph. WAR EAGLE!!!
By the way, thank you to Queet and Granddaddy for watching the boys, especially since Sam was developing an ear infection :( We love y'all!!

The stadium!

Hunter, Ginny, Me, and Joseph

Me and Joseph

Ginny, Hayley, and Me (at an Andalusia "reunion"-style gathering in the Renaissance Hotel)

Joseph and Me before the game (of course we went into the stadium the moment they opened the doors:))

Our team is ready to play

The KICK...We Are #1!!

Let the celebration begin!!!

The security officers to protect the field were on horseback (guess that's when you know you're out West)

Coach Chizik

Big Nick (Defensive Player of the Game!)

Ben Chappell and Joseph (they were sitting in our section)

Highlight of our sport-viewing careers!!!! We had a blast...WAR EAGLE!!!