07 August 2009

"Auburn Meter Seed"

...yes, that is Auburn University. Each day I am even more amazed at Winston's vast vocabulary, and just how easily he picks up on things. What's even scarier is his memory. I can't tell you how many times he has brought up something that happened weeks, months, even a year ago!! I am just in awe. Anyway, he has an Auburn video and this morning he woke up and said "Auburn Meter Seed". It took me a second to sound it out and say it a few times before I figured out what he was saying. Joseph just looked at us and smiled as if he was proud he was saying it, and maybe equally glad I was able to translate. One of my favorite parts of being a mommy is to listen to Winston talk all day, whether to me, himself, or his toys. Love you Winston boy, and Sam, I can't wait until you are talking too.

1 comment:

Kendall and Will said...

Hannah, I love it!! I could listen to him talk all day :)