15 December 2010


What REALLY entertained me before I had children? I am often laughing, and in awe of what Winston comes up with or says, or what Sam does. I will say that when Joseph is out of town I am physically tired, but also mentally worn out from following along with Winston's scenarios or answering his questions...I wouldn't have it any other way :) One thing he said last week just "took the cake" so I thought I would share it. We had been to Barnes&Noble and picked up the Sports Illustrated issue with Cam Newton on the cover (actually, we got 3 but if you know my husband-or me-this is not weird). On the way home Winston told me he was going to "first read his Bible then the Cam Newton book". Glad to know he has 2 important priorities, and has them in the right order :)

Don't worry, I have a "Football season in pictures" post in the works...stay warm!

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