11 February 2010

Military Wife???

Just in case you don't already know, it is busy season for Joseph. I am truly thankful for his solid job, and the fact that they are busy. However, it is really tough to be mommy and daddy during the week, every week. I know that it will end soon and Joseph will be able to relax and be home lots more, but some days it feels like it's never going to end. On two separate occasions, I have had friends tell me that I am kind of like a military wife, whose husband is gone for a few months at a time. I can definitely sympathize with them when you feel the weight of ALL the responsiblity, but I certainly don't have it as bad as those dear women. At least my husband is at a bank somewhere in rural AL, while their husbands are putting themselves in harm's way for our freedom. I would like to thank them for that!

Anyway, I came across a verse earlier this week that brought tears to my eyes because of its sweet promise. I recite it daily, multiple times when I feel my weak flesh wanting to just curl up and cry with defeat. The love and support from my Father is all I need to get through each day, regardless of how obedient Winston is, or how bad Sam's teeth are hurting him. Thank you, Lord, for holding my hand and loving me!

For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, "Do not fear; I will help you". Isaiah 41:13


Jill Jones said...

Hey! Proud of you for updating the blog; I love that verse too!!!

Whitney said...

Hannah, we'll be praying for you. I can't imagine parenting alone and you are so right about military wives. We owe them a huge thank you!! Hang in there and give me a call if you ever need someone to talk to. Love you!